Extra Credit Start:
Extra Credit
(skip to Main Coaching/Prime Path)
Hello there! Welcome!
Our current topic is "additional things that you can do that will complement your work with SkyVillage."
But, *whew*! That's a lot of words. It may surprise you to learn that I like to keep things simple.
So, I'm going to call the activities that we are about to discuss "Extra Credit."
My friend, this Extra Credit section is for you if:
(1) You've devoted some time to SkyVillage, and you find that this coaching has promise in terms of enhancing the quality of your life, and
(2) You want to take things to a higher level, so as to realize more and better results.
If this is so, then good on ya! I applaud your devotion and commitment to the quality of life.
However, before we proceed any further, I need to clarify something.
If you've passed successfully through the Three Portals (which you can review by clicking here), then you don't need to do any of this Extra Credit stuff.
Now, don't get me wrong: these Extra Credit activities get things moving--big time. Big time.
But all you really need to do to get moving in life is to spend regular time hanging out in SkyVillage, and review and engage with the materials you will encounter here.
Still, there will be times in your life when you really want to get things moving. And, in honor of that, the following are some ideas that work.
As of now, most of these ideas involve "putting things in writing." But we do have one other idea concerning a seminar that you might want to consider, called "The Forum", offered by a group called "Landmark Worldwide". We'll start here with the "writing" ideas, but if you want to go straight to our conversation about the Forum, then click here.
OK. Our first topic: putting things in writing.
It is remarkably impactful to get things out of your head and put them in writing. I'm not sure why this works so well, but it does.
Some of you might prefer to put things in writing by taking pen to paper. That works. Others might prefer to use a keyboard and computer. That works, too. Whatever works for you in terms of putting things in writing, works. I tend to use paper and pen, so my descriptions will tend in that direction, but if you can make things work using computers and screens, then go for it.
That having been said, I have come up with five methods according to which you can get things out of your head and put them in writing. These methods overlap to a substantial degree.
They are:
(1) Keeping a journal.
(2) Developing a self-coaching notebook.
(3) Keeping track of raw numbers.
(4) Crafting project manifestos.
(5) Creating a SkyVillage notebook.
Feel free to combine and modify these activities as you see fit. It even works to use them as a basis for developing your own writing project.
You can begin working with these ideas by clicking here.
Otherwise, if you don't feel like digging into the Extra Credit stuff right now, then you can pop over to the start of the Prime Path by clicking here.
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